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Flora DHA Vegetarian Algae

Vegetarian DHA

Vegetarian DHA – Get your Omega-3 where the fish get it from!

Omega-3 might be called ‘fish oil,’ but did you know that it doesn’t actually come from fish? It’s true! The fish get it from eating algae, so we’re going straight to the source with this product. By sourcing our Omega-3 from algae, you don’t have to worry about sustainability, toxicity, or heavy metals. You also don’t have to worry about killing fish to get it.

DHA is well-known and well-studied with regards to not only general health, but also reducing serum triglycerides. Low triglyceride levels are important because a person’s risk for Coronary Heart Disease is increased whenever triglyceride levels are high. DHA also supports the proper functioning of brains, and is needed for normal physical development of the brain, eyes and nerves, primarily in children under two years of age.

DHA is one of the most important long-chain fatty acids in the omega-3 family: 97% of the fatty acids found in the brain and 93% of the fatty acids found in the retina are in the form of DHA. The body can convert DHA to EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid that is a precursor to the production of prostaglandins which help promote good health.

Benefits of DHA

  • Source of DHA (Omega-3 fatty acid) for the maintenance of good health.
  • DHA may reduce serum triglycerides.
  • When used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, DHA may support healthy neural and vision development of an infant.
  • May help support cognitive health by improving memory and learning functions in an aging population.
  • May help to improve reading performance and behavior (restless-impulsive, oppositional, hyperactivity and mood swing) in underperforming children aged 6-10.
  • May improve reading ability and some attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD)-type behavioral symptoms (restless-impulsive, oppositional, hyperactivity and mood swing) in underperforming children aged 6-10.
  • Clinically proven to improve reading ability in underperforming children aged 6-10.


  • A vegetarian, sustainable alternative to fish oils (vegetarian softgel capsule)
  • No fishy burps or repeating
  • Source of Omega-3 fatty acids
  • One serving provides 250 mg DHA
  • 250 mg of DHA is 83% of the Daily Value for pregnant/nursing women as recommended by ISSFAL (International Society for the Study of Fats and Lipids)
  • Free of additives and preservatives
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans